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Chogyal Rinpoche The Secret Meditation
1:00 pm onward Saturday October 3, 2015
Thapathali, Heights (Near Nepal Art Council, Babarmahal), Kathmandu Karki Banquet

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Events Detail

Chogyal Rinpoche The Secret Meditation

BIA Foundation, in association with HOPE Magazine, is conducting an event in order to educate, inform and aware people about the essence of spiritualism and meditation in Kathmandu on 3rd October 2015. His Eminence Chogyal Rinpoche will give teachings to his followers from different countries, different corporate people, civil servants, students, and general people. Renowned personalities, politicians, celebrities, business persons, students, etc. will be invited to the event. This program reveals the most powerful life skills to the audience: Secret Meditation and Life Teaching.

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