events > education > take the lead: nepal's future has begun

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Take the Lead: Nepal's future has begun
3:00 pm Saturday July 27, 2013 to 5:00 pm Saturday July 27, 2013
British Council, Kathmandu, Central Region, Nepal

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Himalayan Readers' Bookclub

Ticket Price

Entry Fee : NRs. 100/-
(Free for Bookclub's members)

Events Detail

Take the Lead: Nepal's future has begun

Dear Folks,
After successfully organizing second series of 'Journey of Writing with Samrat Upadhay', Himalayan Readers' Bookclub presents Author event with social entrepreneur Anil Chitrakar to discuss on his optimistic book "Take the Lead: Nepal's Future has Begun".

To aside negative vibes and bring in positive aspirations for better Nepal through interaction with Anil Chitrakar, join us;

on Saturday, July 27, 2013
3:00 to 5:00 pm
British Council, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal

Entry Fee : NRs. 100 (Free for Bookclub's members)
Registration Deadline: July 25, 2013
Register via email:

Note: Limited copies of the book for HRB's members are available at HRB's desk; early birds catch the worms.


This book is dedicated to everyone who still believes in Nepal and the collective wisdom and entrepreneurial spirit of the Nepali people. Those who have given up hope need not read any further. Nepal is going through a tough time and there is a general feeling of pessimism and hopelessness all around. Everyone I meet seems to ask the same question, "Is there a way out of this mess that we have all helped to create?" The answer is long and complicated, and only a book can do justice to an attempt to come up with some initial set of answers and possible next steps. The book speaks to young minds - not age. If you still believe in shared prosperity and reinstating Nepal's true place in the global community, you will read and share the contents of this book.

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