events > technology > locus - 12th national technological fest

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Friday February 20, 2015 to Sunday February 22, 2015
Pulchowk Engineering Campus, Patandhoka Road, Lalitpur, Central Region, Nepal

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LOCUS, IOE Pulchowk

Events Detail


The 12th National Technological Fest will be conducted on the 8th, 9th and 10th of Falgun, 2071. Based on the theme ‘Technology for Future’ which has been further categorized into ‘Social Development, Startup and Green Technology’, the main highlight of the festival will be several competitions on hardware, software, gaming and other minor competitions. Paper presentations, seminars and interactive talk programs are also believed to be effective this term.
With the theme ‘Technology for Change’, we aim to encourage students to explore the possibilities of engineering studies that can sustain and support the development of the nation through technology. We also believe that this theme can be broad enough, exciting while also being challenging for participants who are to showcase their hardware/software demos in the competition, and ideas for their startup approach that could boom the market. This theme is an attempt towards technological change that is to affect the future. We aim to encourage the development of devices/software that will soon replace the traditional, in-use methods with smart devices, online services, etc. which can be cost effective and environment friendly.
Social development is an important aspect of everyone’s life. Self- progress alongside the progress of the nation can’t be assumed without the development of several aspects like health, education, environment, etc. Social change is basically driven by sensing new opportunities for progress while also harnessing the social energies and skills together with the resources to get the intended results.
Projects based on the qualitative expansion of social activities like education, health, etc. together with the integration of systems existing in the past and fabricating new functions for better opportunities and availability could lead to a better society in the future could be worked upon this field.
Startup is an approach towards the commercial level and focuses on having developed a product which is usable, scalable and has a high potential in today's market. Ideas based for startup should include-
1. Cost to duplicate approach to study the expenses of the company and its product
2. Market multiple approach to watch out of similar companies which are already established but not so effective
3. Discounted cash flow approach to look for the company’s future
4. Development stage approach to study the current market and needs to evaluate profitability

Green Technology encompasses a group of techniques for the conservation of our natural environment and the resources within it for the creation of a sustainable. It covers a great deal of areas like recycling, energy generation and conservation, solid waste management, sewage treatment etc. The field of ‘green technology’ encompasses continuously evolving groups of methods and materials from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products.
Sustainability by meeting the needs of the society in several ways so that they can continue in the future without depleting the natural resources can be included under this category. Together with this, source reduction (pollution), innovation (alternative energy ideas to replace fossil fuels and chemical intensive agriculture), viability (products and technologies to benefit the environment) can be worked on.

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