events > education > krb software ict meetup 2013

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KRB Software ICT Meetup 2013
10:00 am Saturday August 10, 2013 to 5:00 pm Saturday August 10, 2013
Khusibu, Kathmandu, Nepal Prime College, Kathmandu, Central Region, Nepal

Ticket Information
For more details contact

Adish Shrestha- 9849948087

Ticket Price

Rs 1/-

Events Detail

KRB ICT Meetup 2013

Information, Communication, Technology (ICT) Meetup 2013 is the mega event in the Nepalese ICT field. With strong advisory support, our team has come up with an uprising but yet unaddressed phenomenon regarding gap between university graduates and IT industry requirements.

Numerous fresh graduates including university toppers find difficulty to acclimatize in the IT industry. Many innovative ideas of the new generation go unnoticed due to lack of proper platform. At the same time, the industry is facing shortage of capable human resources and creative ideas.

We believe that this event will act as catalyst between deserving ideas of students and Angel’s fund of industry resulting initiation of venture capital concept in our country. With the collaboration of opportunity seeking graduates and potential investors, IT industry can move ahead in faster pace.

ICT Meetup 2013 with the theme “ICT Academia – Industry collaboration” would be the perfect platform for ICT practitioners, developers, IT students, freelancer including different niche IT companies who are deprived from the opportunity to explore themselves, their talents, innovation and projects in the Information technology field. This will not only encourage their potential but also alert them about the prevailing gap between IT industries -academia differences.

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